Castletownbere Gaa Confined Members Draw is now Open with
Entry to 10 draws & fantastic prizes to be won..

Midweek break for 2 people including 2  B&B one evening meal plus €200 spending

2 Munster football final stand tickets overnight accommodation and breakfast and €250 spending

2 All Ireland stand tickets overnight accommodation and breakfast in Dublin €300 spending

Final draw at AGM 2022 for €1000

Six vouchers for local businesses

The cost of joining…
€5 per week or  €21 a month by direct debit or a once off yearly payment of €240 you become a member of the confined members draw.

You can also join the Official Cork Rebels Bounty Draw for an extra €50

                                                                 TOTAL FOR BOTH DRAWS €300 please contact any member of the committee to avail of that offer 


(a saving of €50 if you join the two together Rebels Bounty entry closes in February)

The Confined Members Draw entitlements are as follows

Full club family membership for two adults and family members..
Full adult use of the clubs gym / strength and conditioning facilities at Droum ( those aged 16 to 18  must be accompanied by an adult)
Free entry to all home games promoted by the club
And you will be providing your club with much needed financial support..

Thanks to all who continue to support the draw on an ongoing basis it’s much appreciated..
Contact any club member if you like to join





Confined Members Draw 2021

Castletownbere GAA Announce prizes for the current year..

This years confined members draw is now open… If your not in your can’t win if you are you could win not once but twice as Paddy and Elnora O Sullivan and Fr. Sean O Shea who were lucky enough to win two of the prizes last year.

The cost of joining is €240 per year (or you can pay €5 weekly or €21 per month) by direct debit…

Anyone signing up will get free entry into home league games and free family membership of the club.. contact any committee member to join

To be in for  the first draw sign up before Easter Sunday. The draw for 1st Draw  (only) will take place in Twomey’s Bar at 7.30pm (Easter) Sunday 15th April 

  • 1st Draw: Two Nights B&B with one evening meal for 2 people and €200 spending money.
  • 2nd Draw: Two Munster Final Tickets, overnight Accommodation and €200 spending money.
  • 3rd Draw : Two All Ireland Stand Tickets overnight Accommodating and €300 spending money.
  • 4th Draw: €1,000 Cash Prize.
  • There are 6 x €50 Vouchers from local businesses in between above draws..
  • Draws for each prize will take at various stages during the year..with
  • 1st Prize in April
  • 2nd Before Munster Final
  • 3rd Before All Ireland Final
  • 4th at our AGM

Please support the Draw… As you can see there are fantastic prizes.

You support your Club by providing financial support who’s is important to provide the best of facilities for our teams from underage up to intermediate level…

The draw is confined to 100 members which increases your chances of winning a prize



First winner of 2016….. 

Winner of the first of our prizes in our confined members draw for 2016

2 night accommodation in River Lee Hotel Cork and €200 spending money.

Margaret and Mike Murphy, Clounaglaskin, Castletownbere,

Other winners of prizes were Paddy and Elnora O Sullivan & Fr. Sean O Shea

  Still time to join our draw by contacting any member of the committee!!

Next Prize Up: Two Munster Final Tickets overnight Accommodating and €200 spending money.

If your not in you can’t win..



Many thanks for your support



Some of 2015 Winners..

  • image

    Kirean O Driscoll wins the €1,000 at our AGM

    Chairman James O Neill presenting Kieran o Driscoll with €1,000 final winner in our Confined members Draw

Congratulations to Kieran O Driscoll on winning €1,000 in the final draw in Castletownbere Gaa Confined Members Draw.

James O Neill presented the prize to Kieran in his first “job” as the newly elected Chairman of Castletownbere Gaa…

Congratulations to Fr. Walsh on winning €50 Voucher.

Our confined members draw has been a huge success. It was almost fully subscribed in the current year and is now reopened for the coming year…

It has a fantastic prizes see below for details of last year’s prizes…

The coming year will have equally as valuable and full details will follow shortly!!

It is open to everyone home or away who would like to support our club…

Contact any member of the committee to sign up…


While there is tremendous voluntary effort put into our club for which we greatly appreciate those who give their time freely there is also cost associated with the maintenance, and improvements of the pitch, club house, dressing rooms, teams etc.

While there has been a €5 a week subscription in place for a long time (which has been well supported by many loyal members) it was decided to revamp this last year and make it a CONFINED MEMBERS DRAW…

The following is the way it operates….. You can join by paying in one of the following ways

What you get for your support……

Entry into the following… which are held at various times during the year two to coincide with the prizes (which will be evident as you go along) One of the draws have been held already with the next to be held on Friday 5th June in Twomey’s Bar

  • 2 Nights accommodation  in the River Lee Hotel Cork, €200 spending… Won by Paddy and Elnora O Sullivan.
  • Over night accommodation for 2 in Killarney, 2 Munster Final Tickets & €200 spending money
  • Overnight accommodation for 2 & 2 All Ireland Final Tickets & €300 spending money
  • €1,000 Cash prize
  • In addition 6 draws during the year for a mixture of €50 Vouchers and Club Training tops… First Training top won by O Shea’s Bar
  • Free admission to all HOME fixtures hosted by the club
  • Access to our state of the art Gym which has been equipped by Harrington’s, Church Gate

We are sure you will agree that there are some great prizes included and you will also know you are supporting your club. We are very pleased to say that this draw is filling up pretty quickly so please feel free to contact any member of the committee to sign up.. Please contact us by clicking on this link.